
The content on this site (except as expressly indicated on specific pages where content was provided by a 3rd party) is released under the Fredware license as follows;
You have the explicit right to copy, redistribute, and use any content on this site provided that you;
- Aacknowledge and agree that any copyright, trademark, service mark, or other is retained by C.K. Haun and Ravenware Industries LLC
- Include a reference to as the origin of the content
- Aacknowledge that there is no representation that any advice or techniques presented on this site are optimum or even correct
- If you use some content in your own content (music, software, etc.) you include the acknowledgment "Some portions of this product created by C.K. Haun and Ravenware Industries LLC"
- You never expect or demand bug fixes or updates
- And most importantly, you agree that if you don't like something here, you don't complain, you just create a better one yourself.
So feel free to share and enjoy, just give credit where credit is due.