Why Buy?
Why buy? Why would I want to spend, at a minimum, the price of a nice house in Illinios for a crochety mechanical contraption?
Practical, safety, and emotional reasons. And, 4 years after I first wrote this, a 4th reason, being a human while traveling. |
First, practical. I expect to be flying a lot in the
future, and going far. My partner Karen and I have a house
in Mexico,
and I'd like to be able to fly down to stay instead of taking airline
for that
length of trip, paying 2 flight hours a day for it to sit on the
ground, just doesn't make sense, so we'll get something. And for the last 3 years I've been flying between my home in Boise, ID (KBOI) and my work in the Silicon Valley (KRHV) every week, often in my own airplane.
And even in short term, if I'm going to continue to fly it makes more monetary sense to buy. Not total monetary sense, that would be not flying at all, an absurdly un-economical hobby to begin with. But I've already taken $900 weekend trips with rentals, like to keep that money in my own aircraft. But (by my math) if I cross 14 hours of flying a month, I can buy an airplane for (roughly) the same monthly cost as renting. And add in the long trips and it balances well. So as long as I expect to continue to fly regularly (and even more so as I pursue advanced ratings) this makes practical sense. |
Second, safety: Two levels of safety, the first the most important Owning an airplane creates the reaction of familiarity. In an emergency, I do not want to have to remember if I'm in 26024 or 4313G to remember which autopilot is installed and how to engage it. Or where the radio panel is. Or a great many smaller details. The safety of having the same controls always at hand, drilled well into the deep memory of your mind and muscles, checklists absolutely commited to memory, is very very important. I want that level of safety. Second is maintenance safety. This is somewhat double-edged. Rental aircraft (in my experience) are maintained pretty damned well. But they get ridden hard, over and over, by people who aren't committed to treating the airplane with the most respect. Catch a rental between 100 hour inspections and you can be suprised (I have been) by squawks that resulted from poor flying behaviour. Also, knowing what's broken before you even leave your house makes for smarter flying decisions. |
Third, it's Mine. There is an intagible about mine-ness. If it's my airplane, I'm going to know it very well, I'm going to learn it so we both fit together very well. This is more than safety, this is taking care of a thing, and having the thing take care of you in return. Knowing how this one airplane will fly: On warm days, cold days, damp days, blustry days. Knowing exactly how the angle of my arm feels when I want to crank over to a 30 degree bank. Cleaning it up so it shines inside and out, and looks like it wants to leap into the sky. |
Forth, Being a Human while travelling. A
really important aspect of owning your own airplane only becomes clear
after you've bought one and flown for a while.
Not waxing too nostalgic, but Commercial airline travel did used to be more fun, and used to be an experience. It's now packing passengers in smelly aluminum tubes and insuring that they waste time, shut the heck up, and take it. |
So that's why I'm going to buy. We haven't decided if we'll get a big Ravenware R painted on the tail yet. |
Next: Finding the airplane. |