This is a donated shot. I don't usually use donated shots, though I've gotten some beautiful ones. But they're usually grewat takeoffs and landings, and tehre are many places for those, my site is for the more usual and rare shots.
And it's pretty rare to see a $500,000,000 bomber resting on it's nose! The submitter will remain anonymous (I don't even have his or her email) since I don't thing the Dept. of the Air Force likes pics like these around. The story:
"I have an intresting pic here for you. The quality is kinda bad because I
took it on the move. But in the pic AC5081 had a bad valve in the NLG, which
caused it to collapse upon recovery after the APU's were shut down. Pretty
scary for the crew chief who went to pin the nose as it started to go down.
No one was injured just a few shell shocked stick jockies and backseaters and
a recovery crew who needed some new underwear."